Friday, February 24, 2017

Herbed Crustless Quiche (pressure cooker)

As I was looking through all of the pressure cooker recipes, I realized that ninety percent of the breakfast ones I had saved were oats. Don't get me wrong, I like oatmeal for breakfast, but maybe only a few times a year. The other 360 days, I want eggs! 

This is an adaptation from one of my favorite quiche recipes, which is normally cooked in the oven. I will be honest, I don't think this is much faster than the oven method, but sometimes (like when it's hot out) you don't want to heat up the whole house.

Herbed Crustless Quiche (instapot pressure cooker)

  • 4 eggs 
  • 1 C milk
  • 1/3 C flour 
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp thyme
  • 1 TB parsley
  • 1/8th tsp paprika
  • pinch of crushed red pepper
  • 1/2 tsp dill
  • S&P to taste
for the fillings
  • handful of spinach (wilted in microwave)
  • 2 scallions, sliced 
  • 1/2 C broccoli, chopped small
  • 1/2 red pepper, long slices for the top and dice the remaining
  • 1/2 C meat (I prefer bacon, ham, or sausage)
  • 1/2 C cheese (I usually use feta or goat cheese, because I like the bite)

In a small bowl, microwave spinach for 30 seconds. Let it cool, then squeeze out the water. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, spices and herbs. Once the egg mixture is whisked through, slowly add the flour and baking soda. Whisk until all of the flour is incorporated. 

Using a mixing spoon or spatula, add in the rest of the ingredients, reserving any garnishes for the top. Pour into a greased glass or ceramic bowl. (I used Pam to spray the bowl.) Pour in the mixture, garnish.

Pour 1 C of water into the bottom of your pressure cooker. Place your steam tray into the pressure cooker and place your quiche on top. Cover with tin foil. Cook on manual for 30 minutes. When timer goes off do NPR for 10 minutes. Remove from pressure cooker (I take off the tinfoil first then use tongs to grab it.) At this point, your quiche is done but you can also put it under the boiler for a few minutes to brown the top. If you do this, I recommend you put the quiche into a different pan than can stand high pressure.


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